Wednesday, February 27, 2008

40th of Imam Hussain(A.H) Ibn Ali (A.H.) & Martyer of Karbala

Dear Brotherns 20th Safar 1429 A.H. – Day of Arbaeen - Chehlum (40 days) of the martyrs of Karbala. 20th Safar is the 28th of February in most parts of the world whereas at some places it is the 27th of February 2008. I extend my condolences to the Prophet Muhammad(sawaw),Imam-e-Zamana(a.s.), Bibi Fatimas(s.a.), the Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.) and allmomineen and mominaat on this sad occasion.As is customary among the momineen, please organize and attendmajalis-e-Aza and jaloos to commemorate the chehlum of Shuhada-e-Karbala.According to a saying of Imam Hasan Askari(a.s.) – there are five characteristics of a Momin(1) Recitation of 51 Rakaat of Farz, Sunnat and Nafl prayers during the day and night ;[Fajr - 2 Wajib and 2 Nafl, Zuhr - 4 Wajib and 8 Nafl, Asr – 4 Wajib and 8 Nafl, Maghrib - 3 Wajib and 4 Nafl, Ishaa – 4 Wajib and 1 Nafl (2 rakaat in sitting position counted as 1), Namaz-e-Shab (Tahajjud) 11 Rakat Sunnat];(2) Recitation of Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain(a.s.) on the 40th day of his martyrdom (20th of Safar);(3) Wearing a ring in the right hand ;(4) Prostration on Khak-e-Shifa (earth of Karbala); and(5) Saying aloud “Bismillah ir Rahman nir Raheem” in the prayers.* Ziarat-e-Warisa of Imam Hussain(a.s.) is available at : and * Ziarat-e-Arbaeen of Imam Hussain(a.s.) is available at : few words of
According to most widely accepted traditions, the family of Prophet(sawaw) remained in captivity for about a year. After one year when the ruler of Syria were forced to release them, Bibi Zainab(s.a.) said to Imam Sajjab(a.s.) that she wanted to go back to Karbala to mourn his brother and all the martyrs of Karbala. The same was desired by other women of this caravan and Imam Sajjad(a.s.) directed them towards Karbala.The caravan arrived in Karbala. Every bibi rushed towards the place where their loved ones were martyred. Most of the bibis then gathered at the Ganj-e-Shahidaan upon indication of Imam Sajjad(a.s.) that they were all buried there. Some were lamenting for their son, some for their father, some for their brother, some for their husband and some for their relatives. Bibi Umm-e-Farwa was saying at Qasim(a.s.)’s grave – oh my dear Qasim, you really fulfilled my wishes by sacrificing your youth. I had always wished to see the red color of your marriage but you replaced it with the blood of your horse-ridden corpse which was put together piece by piece.Bibi Umm-e-Laila was saying at Akbar(a.s.)’s grave – Oh my yousaf-e-sani I had always wished for your marriage and to bring a beautiful bride for you. Your sister Sughra is waiting for you to return so she could fulfill all her wishes in the wedding of her brother. What would I tell her? You are lying here in your blood and your heart-broken mother is still living to bear all the agony.Bibi Umm-e-Rubab brought with her the little kurta of Ali Asghar(a.s.) and put it over his grave. Oh Ali Asghar, how could I ever stay in the shade when you and your father are lying in the scorching sun. I lost you here and lost your sister Sakina in zindan-e-Shaam. I remember your bright and shining little face when I buried you with the help of your father. How could I ever forget those moments.Bibi Zainab(s.a.) along with Imam Sajjad(a.s.) went close to the river of farat and said Oh my brother Abbas(a.s.) – see what happened after you were martyred. It could never have happened if you were there. She then went to the grave of her brother Imam Hussain(a.s.) and lamented – Oh my dear brother, I had promised you that your message would reach every where and I would protect the Islam for which you sacrificed your life. I am successful in that but you know at what cost? I went through bazaar-e-Shaam without hijaab and faced the tyrant drunkards of darbar-e-Shaam. I took over the role of Abbas after him and faced hardships all along. I took on my back the lashes of Shimr that were directed at your beloved Sakina but I could not protect her from the sorrows of being away from you. I have lost her and left her buried in the prison of Damascus.Ala lanatullahe ala qaumiz zalimeen. Sa yalamul lazina zalamu ayya munqalibi yanqaliboon.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Aqad of Imam Ali(a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima Zahra(s.a.)

Aqad of Imam Ali(a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima Zahra(s.a.)

All proposals rejected

When Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) attained the age of maturity and was ready to get married, the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) started receiving proposals from various people for her daughter. Hazrat Salman Farsi(r.a.) and Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) narrate that "When Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) attained the marriageable age, the important people among the tribe of Quraish started sending proposals to the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) but the Prophet (sawaw) did not accept any proposal saying that he was waiting for the order of Allah(swt) to decide this issue." Among the aspirants for the marriage was Umar ibn-e-Khattab as well but he recieved the same reply.

Imam Ali(a.s.) makes the proposal

Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) narrates that : One day Imam Ali(a.s.) approached the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) at his house. Imam Ali(a.s.) entered and greeted the Prophet(sawaw) and the Prophet(sawaw) replied in the same kind manner. Imam Ali(a.s.) sat down and he was so much shy that he continued staring at the ground and could not utter a word. The Prophet(sawaw) smiled and mentioned to Imam Ali(a.s.) that he knew what Imam Ali(a.s.) had to say but he wanted to hear it from him. He told Imam Ali(a.s.) that he does not need to be shy and to say whatever he wanted to say.
With this encouragement and soft tone from the Prophet(sawaw), Imam Ali(a.s.) said "My parents be ransom for you, you know that since my childhood, I have dedicated myself for your service. You have educated me from be beginning and brought me to this status. It was because of your influence and training that Allah(swt) saved me from all sins and guided me to the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem. It is because of your encouragement that I feel this courage in myself to express my heartfelt wish that you give me the honor of becoming your son-in-law. I have concealed his wish in my heart for a long time thinking that this might not be according to your wishes as well. Is there a possibility that this could happen?".

Proposal accepted

Hazrat Umm-e-Salma(r.a.) mentions that "I was watching this affair from a distance and I saw that as soon as Imam Ali(a.s.) completed his request, the face of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) lit up and he asked Imam Ali(a.s.) - what have you got to realize this act". Imam Ali(a.s.) said "O Prophet of Allah(swt), you know my condition very well, I have only a sword, my war dress and one camel". Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) said: "Ali, you definitely need your sword for fighting Jihad and camel for traveling, however, you war dress could work. O Abul Hassan(a.s.), I want to give you the good news that Allah(swt) has made the decision and already recited your Nikah with my daughter Fatima(s.a.) in the Arsh. Just before your arrival, Allah(swt) sent an angel to give me this good news."
This event has been narrated in "Maarij an-Nabuwwah" of Moeen Kashfi, "Sifwatul Safada" of ibn-e-Jozi, "Madarij an-Nabywwah" on 2:75 of Shah Abdul Haq Dehalvi.

Nikah recited on the Arsh

"Maarij an-Nabuwwah" also states that Hazrat Jabreel(a.s.) narrated the story of the Nikah recited on the Arsh. He said "O Prophet of Allah(swt), Allah(swt) has chosen you and made you the most respected and high among his creatures and has selected Ali(a.s.) as your brother and has decided that the Nikah of your daughter and the servant of Allah(swt), Fatima(s.a.) would be with Ali(a.s.). Allah(swt) arranged for their Nikah in such a manner that he addressed the dwellers of Jannah to dress themselves with ornaments of Jannah and then ordered all the angels to assemble together on the 4th Sky. He then filled the 4th sky with Noor and then appointed Hazrat Adam(a.s.) to recite Khutba to begin the Nikah ceremony. After khutba of Hazrat Adam(a.s.), Allah(swt) ordered an angel named Raheel to recite Hamd. Raheel is the most beautiful of angels and possesses the most beautiful voice. After recitation of Hamd, Allah(swt) informed me (Jabreel(a.s.)) that He has performed the Nikah of His servant Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) with His chosen person Imam Ali(a.s.) and that I should spread this news among the angels. I acted accordingly and made all the angels testify the event. Allah(swt) then ordered me to write all this event on this silk cloth of Jannah and present it to you."
After mentioning this event, Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) said "O Abul Hasan(a.s.), the order of Allah(swt) has been served and I invite you to come to the mosque so that this Aqd should be formalized on the earth as well among witnesses."
Such was the importance of this marriage that Allah(swt) arranged the ceremony on Arsh and then Himself decided and recited the Nikah of Imam al-Muttaqeen, Ami-ul-momineen Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib(a.s.) with the leader of the women of this world and in paradise Hazrat Fatima(s.a.).
The above event has been mentioned in various other books as follows: - Muaraj an-Nabuwwah - Al asaba fee tameez as-Sahaba - Sawaeq-e-muharriqa by Ibn-e-Hajr Makki - Al Bayan wal Bateen by Allam Jaahiz - Nuzhat-ul-Majalis by Allama Abdur Rehman Safori - Riyaz un-Nazrah fee Manaqib-ul-Ashra by Allama Muhib Tabri

Nikah recited on Earth

Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) led Imam Ali(a.s.) into the mosque and asked him to sell off his war dress and present that money to the Prophet(sawaw). The dress was sold in 400 dirhams, according to some traditions, and were presented to the Prophet Mohammmd(sawaw) who gave them to Hazrat Salman Farsi(a.r.) and Hazrat Bilal(a.r.) and asked them to buy some articles of use from the market. They went to the maket and bought the following items as jahez of Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) - Two mattresses made of Egyptian canvas. (One stuffed with fiber and the other with sheep wool). - A leather mat. - A pillow made of skin, filled with palm tree fiber. - A Khaibarion cloak. - An animal skin for water. - Some jugs and jars also for water. - A pitcher painted with tar. - A thin curtain made of wool. - A shirt costing seven (7) dirhams. - A veil costing four (4) dirhams. - Black plush cloak. - A bed embellished with ,ribbon. - Four cushions made of skin imported from Ta ‘ef stuffed with a good smelling plant. - A mat from Hajar. - A hand-mill. - A special copper container used for dyestuff - A pestle for grinding coffee. - A (water) skin.
When the items of Jahez were received, Prophet Mohammad went to Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) and said "Your Nikah has been recited on the Arsh by Allah(swt) with my cousing Ali(a.s.) and He has ordered me to recite your Nikah on the earth as well. I have gather my companions to do so and now seek your agreement and permission to recite this Nikah." Hearing this, Hazrat Fatima Zahra(s.a.) bowed her head with shyness which indicated her agreement. The Prophet(sawaw) came out of her hujra and orderd Hazrat Bilal(a.r.) to gather all Ansaar and Muhajireen. One the companions were gathered, Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) recited Hamd of Allah(swt) and narred to his companions that Jibreel(a.s.) had informed him that Allah(swt) has perfomed the Nikah of Hazrat Ali(a.s.) with his daughter on the Arsh and has ordered him to recite the same on the earh as well. He asked Imam Ali(a.s.) to formally request for the marriage in front of the witnesses and Imam Ali(a.s.), after reciting greateness of Allah(swt) and presenting his profound gratitude to him and reciting darood for Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), formally requested for the marriage. Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) accepted the request and made all the companions witnesses. Upon hearing this all the companions greeted Imam Ali(a.s.) and the Prophet(sawaw).
Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) recited the Nikah himself and asked Imam Ali(a.s.) if he accepted the Nikah for a Mehr of 400 Misqaal of Silver. Imam Ali(a.s.) accepted and then the Nikah was formally concluded. Both offered Sajda-e-Shukr to Allah(swt) and all the companions present there congratulated and greeted both Imam Ali(a.s.) and the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw).

Marriage and move of Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)

A non-planned period of time elapsed between the engagement and the wedding ceremony, because Imam Ali (a.s.) was too shy to ask the Prophet to assign a day for the wedding, while he (S.A.W.) wanted to protect Fatima’s pride by refraining from asking Ali to do so.
A month or more passed by before Imam Ali(a.s.) said anything regarding the wedding. Aqeel (Imam Ali(a.s.)’s brother) asked him about the reason for the delay in holding the wedding ceremony and encouraged him to prepare for the wedding and to ask the Prophet(sawaw) to assign a date for it. Despite Imam Ali(a.s.)’s shyness, he accompanied Aqeel to the Prophet’s house to fulfill his wishes. On their way to the Prophet’s house, they met Um Ayman(r.a.) who, when told the reason for their visit, asked them to leave the matter to her. She, in turn, informed Um Salama(r.a.) who brought the matter to the attention of the Prophet(sawaw) who called for Imam Ali(a.s.) and asked his opinion. Imam Ali(a.s.) expressed his desire to bring Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) to his home which was donated by one of his followers. The Prophet(sawaw) asked Imam Ali(a.s.) to hold a dinner (walima) because Allah(swt) is pleased with those who do so; for the social good it does-such as bringing people together and implementing love and harmony among them.
Imam Ali(a.s.) arranged for the dinner and invited the people to the feast. Men and women from all around Medina gathered in the house. They ate, drank and even took food to their homes. The blessings of the Prophet(sawaw) were obvious on that day, for not only the food was enough to feed everyone, but also it did not decrease at all. The Prophet(sawaw) asked for food containers to be brought and filled them and sent them to his wives and left a special container for Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) and her husband.
By sunset, the wedding night had begun; it was time for Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) to depart to her new home. Everything went well, for the Prophet(sawaw) had made all the necessary preparation for the wedding. Despite the simplicity and modesty of her wedding, Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)’s marriage ceremony was surrounded by signs of greatness, excellence, and beauty.
The Messenger of Allah(sawaw) ordered his wives to embellish Hazrat Fatima(s.a.) before the wedding; they perfumed and dressed her with jewelry. They all helped her to get ready; some combed her hair while others embellished and dressed her in the dress brought by Gabriel from Paradise. Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi in Tareekh Baghdad V.5, P.7, Al-Hamvini in Durar Al-Simtain, Al-Dhahabi in Mizan Al-Etedal, Garani in Akhbar Al-Dowal, and Qandouzi in Yanabi’ Al-Mawaddah have narrated that Ibn Abbas said: ‘When Fatima was taken to Ali’s house on her wedding night, the Prophet proceeded her, Gabriel was on her right, and Michael on her left, and seventy thousand angels followed her. These angels praised and glorified Allah until dawn!
The Hashemit men, Abdul Muttalib’s daughters, and Muhajarin and Ansar’s women all accompanied Fatima’s caravan that night. The Prophet’s wives joyfully led the caravan; they were also the first to enter the house. Upon arriving, the Prophet(sawaw) placed Hazrat Fatima(s.a.)’s hand in Imam Ali(a.s.)’s hand and said:
"May Allah bless his Messenger’s daughter; Ali, this is Fatima, you are responsible for her (or I entrust her to you) Ali, what an excellent wife Fatima is! Fatima, what an excellent husband Ali is! O Allah, bless them, bless their lives, and bless their children. O Allah, surely they are the most beloved to me from among your creatures, so love them too, and assign for them a guardian. I place them and their progeny under your protection from the curse devil."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Battle of Karbala
Date October 10, 680
Location Karbala
Victorious Husayn ibn Ali
40,000+ 72
Casualties and losses:
5000 + 123
(72 Men and 51 children)
The events of Karbala reflect the collision of the good versus the evil, the virtuous versus the wicked, the collision of Imam Husain (the head of virtue) versus Yazid (the head of impiety). Al-Husain was a revolutionary person, a righteous man, the religious authority, the Imam of Muslim Ummah. As the representative of his grandfather Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Imam Husain's main concern was to safeguard and protect Islam and guide fellow Muslims. On the other hand, the staying power of the rulers (Mu'awiya and his son Yazid) depended solely on the might of the sword. They used brute force to rule over the Muslim empire even by all possible illicit means.
Imam Husain as head of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) never recognized Mu'awiya nor his followers. Before him Imam Ali (a.s.) had fought battles against Mu'awiya because Mu'awiya continuously violated the Islamic principles. Imam Al-Hasan (a.s.) had to swallow the bitter pill of making a peace agreement with Mu'awiya, in order to safeguard the security of the Ummah which was at stake. When Yazid son of Mu'awiya declared himself as a ruler over the Ummah, he demanded Imam Al-Husain's (a.s.) allegiance of loyalty. Imam Husain on his part flatly rejected Yazid's rule and behavior, for there was no way Yazid could represent Islam, it would be blasphemy. But Yazid, the tyrant ruler over the Ummah, was adamant in his demand, and tension between the two parties increased day by day. Imam Husain was quick to realize that giving allegiance of loyalty to Yazid would serve no purpose but to jeopardize the survival of Islam. To safeguard and protect Islam, therefore, the Imam had no choice but to confront and collide with Yazid's rulership irrespective of consequences. Since Yazid had ordered his commanders to seize the Imam's allegiance of loyalty at any cost, even by brutal force, the commanders had to assemble a relatively large army, surrounding Imam Husain's camp in a desert called Karbala. Then they cut off the basic necessities to the camp, including access to water. The camp consisted of Imam Husain, his family, friends, and companions, all of whom stood fast and firmly with him. These braves would rather face death for the noble cause of Islam, than submit to the outrageous tyranny and the un-Islamic ways of Yazid. Thus, Karbala proved to be a clash involving Islamic truths versus falsehood, right versus wrong, belief versus disbelief, the oppressed versus the oppressor, faith against brute force. Karbala was about standing in the face of oppression, regardless no matter the cost. Thus, in Karbala, Al-Husain the 57 year old grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), sacrificed his totality and all he had, for one goal. This goal was to let the truth triumph over falsehood eventually, and he did that brilliantly. His goal was to foil the plan that Mu'awiya had expertly developed for his son, Yazid, which was to establish a permanent Benu Umayya rulership over the Muslim Ummah (even by sacrificing the Islamic principles), but doing it in the name of Islam. Brilliantly, Imam Husain succeeded in foiling this plan and he exposed the disreputable nature of Benu Umayya though this was at the expense of his life.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008


My name is Syed Azhar A. Naqvi, as well as my nick name is Shanu. I born on 9th of August in Uttar Pradeh' small town that is Raebareli. I hae done all my schooling and degree from here.
Basically my home town is 35 K.M. away from the headquarter named Nasirabad. I really feel proud being a Nasirabadi just because that being a Nasirabadi I got Veery rich heritage of Azadari. This is my strong belief that this kind of tradition you won't find anywhere in the world in the sense of Azadari